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Greatest Hits
Big cities are constantly changing, shops and restaurants opening and closing, neighbourhoods gentrifying, others being re-discovered, some declining or simply becoming sleepier.
Greatest Hits
The pair sat down with Patrick Tanguay (PT), Editor-at-large of The Alpine Review, to chat about gentrification, the ways Berlin has changed over the last fifteen years, and whether affordable cities destroy ambition.
Greatest Hits
Patrick Tanguay, editor-at-large of The Alpine Review, sat down with the pair to talk about managing relationships on social media, the benefits of drunk tweeting, and the increasing intimacy of social communication.
Greatest Hits
One aspect of a city that we are always fascinated by is the creative space.
Greatest Hits
One could view everything in our world as a collection of prototypes available to be changed. In these interesting times, we have all the tools in the world, all that is needed is a conversation to start the (re)making. Welcome to Berlin’s Makerplatz.