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Greatest Hits
Fairphone is exactly what it sounds like, a fair phone. Standing up for people and the environment in every aspect of its production and existence, the social smartphone enterprise is starting a movement.
Greatest Hits
Quality education and the nordic model: how it is possible to achieve excellence by focusing not on competition, but on cooperation, and not on choice, but on equity
Greatest Hits
America’s most articulate and passionate farmer, Joel Salatin, tells us about integrity, the new tribalism and why—unless you’re Mr. T—you need to care about agriculture.
Greatest Hits
A physicist-turned-farmer is using open source technology for an innovative project that places the power to survive and thrive directly in the hands of every community.
Greatest Hits
Always pushing computing capacity further, Google has now invested in a quantum computer.
Greatest Hits
What happens when the wardens of digital information (and the all-too-human people behind it) accumulate too much data?
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After years of economic decline, the Japanese, animated by the principles of perfection, specialization, craft and obsession that they have long brought to their own culture, are now applying the same standards to craft.
Greatest Hits
What makes Barca so good? Three great lessons that apply beyond the immediate confines of the sport.
Greatest Hits
Manufacturing has moved to Asia. Large enterprises benefit from automation but it’s expensive and keeps small upstarts out of their markets. Those two statements are being challenged by advances in robotics.