Louis-Jacques Darveau

Louis-Jacques Darveau is an independent researcher and strategic designer based in Montreal, Canada, and editor and publisher of The Alpine Review, which he co-founded in 2012.

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Greatest Hits
Aerials was a forum about doing and designing business for a networked world. Organized by Totem, a Toronto-based consultancy, and curated by The Alpine Review, the first Aerials event was held in Toronto 10/2015.
Greatest Hits
Louis-Jacques Darveau, sat down with Helge and Neil Perkin to talk about new ways of structuring organizations, how companies are leaving customers out of the conversation, and the importance of online platforms for spreading innovative ideas.
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David Gunn, former director of the NYC Transit Authority, tells of his strategy for ridding the subway of its infamous (and ubiquitous) graffiti in 1989.
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Gianpiero Petriglieri, professor at INSEAD, reminds us that the peripatetic lifestyle must be reconciled with demonstrated commitment to a community in order to qualify as legitimate leadership.
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David Lynch tell a different story—one characterized by curious awareness and exploratory action.
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Kevin Kelly, co-founder of Wired, espouses technological determinism—the perspective that certain technologies have inherent qualities that are destined to become increasingly manifest, evoking a technological entropy of sorts.
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Christian Sandvig studies how the details of such algorithmic operations are selectively disclosed to shape the public’s relationship to these services.
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David Brooks acknowledges that all of us, as human beings, strive to be morally fulfilled.
Greatest Hits
In the wake numerous “too big to fail” crises (2008, GM, the entire banking system, etc.), the lifespan of companies has once again been called into question.