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Greatest Hits
Methodologies, tools and vehicles of production are accelerating full-speed into the future—Simone Cicero offers seven ways organizations and enterprises can gear up to keep up.
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The popular acceptance of professional management theory is now being challenged by two corporate categories that had previously been relegated to its margins: the conglomerate and the family businesses.
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Aerials was a forum about doing and designing business for a networked world. Organized by Totem, a Toronto-based consultancy, and curated by The Alpine Review, the first Aerials event was held in Toronto 10/2015.
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In the wake numerous “too big to fail” crises (2008, GM, the entire banking system, etc.), the lifespan of companies has once again been called into question.
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The complexities of the human body are humbling, even in an era of self-assembly technologies like autonomous cars and 4D printing.
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Cloud, Big Data, and now the Internet of Things? Only one of them is being developed in garages. We explore the impact of connected objects, and how it is more than just the latest in a round of buzzwords.
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We’ve been told to watch our weight, count our calories and time our runs for quite a while now; but never before have we had the technology to measure all of our behavior so seamlessly, sensitively, automatically and intelligently.
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According to Rob Hopkins, the solution to peak oil and climate change is implementing a community model based on self-sufficiency, resilience and harnessing the unlimited power of human creativity.
Greatest Hits
Urban agriculture and community gardens are sprouting up all over the world, creating a breeding ground for learning experiences, community living and a better quality of life.