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Greatest Hits
Methodologies, tools and vehicles of production are accelerating full-speed into the future—Simone Cicero offers seven ways organizations and enterprises can gear up to keep up.
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The popular acceptance of professional management theory is now being challenged by two corporate categories that had previously been relegated to its margins: the conglomerate and the family businesses.
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What is a product? And what are the broader implications for design when smart, connected products have become the norm? In Megan Neese’s EPIC piece “What is a Product?”, she argues for a product-design methodology rooted in place.
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What is the role of IP as a competitive differentiator in a world of data and platforms — the interesting case of Tesla.
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Ideas, thoughts and other curiosities about business and retail — the 1-click button
Greatest Hits
Ideas, thoughts and other curiosities about business and retail.
Greatest Hits
Ideas, thoughts and other curiosities about business and retail.